The 6th Dimension Exhibition returns for it's New Haven Country debut as part of the inaugural 6th Dimension Afrofuturism Festival.
The Festival is a city-wide decentralized art experience exploring Afrofuturism in all its intersections of visual art, performance, technology, literature and innovation.
The Festival pops off with the opening reception of the 6th Dimension Exhibition on Saturday, August 26th at The Lab at Conncorp.
The exhibition is an immersive experience of Black realities across time and space, featuring local, national and international Black artists. The exhibition will transport you to different realms and open a world of possibilities.
Opening night includes complimentary hors d'oeuvres, cash bar, DJ, and performances.
The exhibition will be open through Oct 28th and includes satellite galleries in various locations across New Haven.
In addition to the exhibition, The Festival includes 10+ events over the course of two months including: one-day Summit, book club meetings, Fred Hampton community breakfast, Digital Media pop-up, Spoken Word, Fashion and more.