Turn your phone on airplane mode and come $ENJOY the vibes. You must have an approved RSVP to be admitted to the event.
STUDIO 5400 presents sounds by:
Raihan | instagram.com/raihan_/
DJ STRAWBRY | instagram.com/dj.strawbry/
DJ_DAVE | instagram.com/dj_dave____/
Drinks served by:
Visitor Beer* | instagram.com/visitor.fyi/
Skyduster Beer | instagram.com/skydusterbeer/
Good Boy Wine | instagram.com/goodboywine/
A Slow Rodeo Production brought to you by our enjoyoor friends at Seed Club, Archetype, Zerion, Boost, Syndicate, Mirror, Privy, and $Enjoy.
Entrance is on a first come first served basis until maximum capacity is reached. RSVP must be approved for entrance. xx
💫 Open Invite
All Hosts' Mutuals
Restricted Access
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