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Meet Us On The Boardwalk!

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Dear Friends, You're invited to join Weslye Saunders and Midia Joy for an energizing Full Moon Morning Walk on the boardwalk! Event: Meet Us on the Boardwalk Date: August 4th, Sunday Time: 9:00AM - 10:30AM Location: Meet up at Allison Park 6500 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33141 Parking: Allison Park Important: Please bring a water bottle for proper hydration, sunscreen and your favorite walking shoes. Experience the rejuvenating benefits of walking along the boardwalk with us! Walking by the sea not only provides stunning ocean views but also promotes physical and mental well-being. It's a wonderful opportunity to unwind, connect with nature, and boost your mood. Join us for a transformative morning of walking and manifesting under the enchanting radiance of the full moon. During our time together, enjoy mindful conversations, soak in the calming sea breeze, and make lasting memories with friends old and new. We look forward to sharing this special occasion with you and creating cherished memories along the boardwalk! Warm regards, Midia Joy & Wes Saunders Who: Midia Joy is a Kurdish-Russian NeuroLeadership Coach, Healer and Artist from Moscow, and raised in Sweden. She left the corporate world after 13 years in luxury spirits and has made it her mission to create safe spaces in the workplace and at home to help people all over the world to connect to their creative essence. She is trained in Brain-Based Coaching, Pranic Healing, Brain-Based Conversations, Vedic Art, VXN Women’s Empowerment Dance Workout, and Creative Insight Journey from Stanford University. Who: Weslye Saunders is an NFL veteran, formerly playing with the Pittsburgh Steelers and Indianapolis Colts. After his career as a professional athlete, Weslye has dedicated his focus to wellness. He has studied under world-renowned Kung Fu Master Sifu Matthew and at the International Institute of Sport and Movement. Weslye’s company ”Win with Wes” has developed numerous holistic modalities, such as “The Wes Breath,” an energetic breathwork pattern which has been practiced internationally.  Along with his highly touted organic superfood line “Wes Joose,” Wes keeps busy today as a Spiritual Coach to the Conscious Leaders of tomorrow.   For the last 6 years, Weslye and Midia have been deeply involved with the Silent Victims of Crime, a non-profit focusing on the children and caretakers of incarcerated persons.
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