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Ancient Future: Lions Gate Sound Transmission

Hosted by Tina Rodriguez
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$33 per person
2488spots left
** please bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket, bottle of water, whatever you need to be comfortable to sit/lay in meditation.** **Event space is the Austin Ecstatic Dance Center in south Austin off Slaughter Ln. Parking for this event is off Allred which leads to the back lot behind the building** ** Asking for a donation of $33-88. Partiful keeps a set amount, so if you feel inspired to donate more, it would be greatly appreciated! Your donations go towards future music recording so I can share my sound with the world! Your presence, support and generosity means so much to me! Thank you! ** Join for this powerful DNA activation and sound experience connecting to the energy of the Lions Gate. Be led through a guided sound journey into the heart and soul to release any limitations, heal parallel lives, clear karmic loops or old wounds and patterns of experience, align deeply to your heart’s desires and utilize the light energy ushered forth by our interdimensional and star families to assist in your continued awakening and embodying your soul gifts and mission on this planet, and manifesting your dreams into reality. **** Every year a specific star alignment happens between the earth, the Star Sirius and the constellation of Orion, with the Sun in the sign of Leo, opening a portal of light energy called the Lions Gate. The Lions Gate is powerful for aligning to the frequency of the highest timeline available. This light pouring in assists not only in releasing any density that is not serving the individual/collective, but is a surge of energy creating a field that magnifies our ability to shift out of any limitations to our creator consciousness and manifest quickly our dreams into reality. The Lion (Leo) symbolizes leadership, strength, courage, as well as royalty— an invitation to step up as leaders of our own destiny, creators of a new earth kingdom. The 8, (amplified 3x (8/8/2024=8)) is a number that symbolizes infinite possibility. It is also connected to our personal power, abundance, and balance/harmony in our lives. A major theme of this portal is to harmonize that which is dual in our consciousness—bringing us into union within and without. This year’s triple 8 is particularly potent as it marks the completion of many karmic cycles of our individual and collective soul experience. No longer can we continue to “repeat history.” The time is now to shift into a higher octave of experience that values love, peace, harmony, reverence and reciprocity with the earth and all life upon it. The star Sirius is an intergalactic gateway, or as I see it, a cosmic space station for other interdimensional, star and beings from other realms to come into our galaxy to reach our planet. These beings have been around for millennia, many of which have been through and witness to similar evolutionary processes that we are currently undergoing. Many embodied in form on planet earth in ancient civilizations such as Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt, bringing advanced technology and wisdom that over time has seemed to have been lost. It is not lost. It has long been encoded in our soul DNA. It is in the fabric of the cosmos. It is in all life on earth. We have merely forgotten how to access this knowledge and our ability to connect to our interstellar families has waned over time. As we raise our consciousness and vibration, these beings are better able to communicate and work with us in our ascension. It is time for us to reactivate this connection and receive this wisdom— from the ancients of our earthly realm, from our star lineages, so that we can create the highest timeline for our future and for generations to come.
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