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July Digital Permaculture Gathering/Potluck!

Hosted by ajay+noms
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COULD THE INTERNET BE COHERENT WITH PERMACULTURE? This is the question we will be exploring this month with our visiting guest speaker. In this era of information, humans are increasingly dependent on digital systems; whether to keep track of complex data streams to increase resilience in our landscapes or to meet and maintain contact with our networks and communities – in any case, the internet has become a leverage point for shifting culture. How can permaculture design connect with our socio-digital patterns, and what does mission-aligned internet tooling look like from the perspectives of earth care, people care, and fair share? 🌱💙🌏 Our guest speaker noms is a Pākeha (naturalized settler) from Aotearoa. They run a community group who meet monthly to explore appropriate digital tools for their nested locale and are founding projects such as a community-owned data farm running off recycled eWaste and pop-up digital hygiene support sessions. They are currently supporting the event team running DWeb Camp and contribute to, a cooperative building tooling for network coordination. They are visiting the Bay Area for two months and we are excited to learn with them. 🌟🐝🕸 WHAT TO BRING: yourself, your friends, your skills/talents to share or grow and if you can, potluck items to share! Other Things we're noodling about and hope to talk about in another month (welcoming facilitator/speaker suggestions/offers!): Decolonosing Permaculture, WTH is permaculture (one def: )
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