* Everyone must ship!! * Come build something incredible.
We're launching compelling AI for Thought projects with friends! If you invite a +1, make sure they come ready to ship something special.
Hackathon Judge: Mr. Nikhil Yadala.
See this document for an outline of the AI for Thought mission
Backed by FoundersX Ventures
12:00 Hackathon Launch
12:05 Talks
- Jimmy Ba - ML Professor @ UofT, Geoffrey Hinton's PhD student
- Announced soon! Last hackathon featured Chet Corcos Eng #1 Notion, Conor White-Sullivan, Founder Roam Research, Sam Whitmore, Founder of New Computer, Moritz Wallawitsch, Founder of Remnote, Jeremy Nixon, Founder of Omniscience
12:30 AGI Hacker's Lightning Talks
12:45 Team Formation & Lunch
1:30 Hacking Begins
5:30 Dinner
8:00: Demos!
10:00 Hang out/Adjourn
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