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Fall Equinox 2024 Song Circle

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Hello all! On the 22nd of September I am holding a Fall Equinox Song Circle. I host community songs for the solstices and equinoxes. Hooray! Here are all the details for the day. LOCATION: We will be meeting in the Nethermead. I will send an exact photo of the location closer to the date. The Nethermead is in the south of Prospect Park, walkable from the Prospect Park station or the Parkside station. TIMING: We will gather at 5:00 pm. We will take 15ish min to set up blankets etc. I'll do an intro, explanation etc at around 5:15ish. We will start singing at 5:30ish. I recommend trying to get to the area before 5:15 (though you are of course welcome if you come late). We will do two sets of singing (about 40 min each) with a break in the middle to chat, hang out, etc. We will sing until the setting sun to celebrate the solstice (which is officially Tuesday, the 19th!). SAFETY and logistics: You are welcome to wear a mask! I will not be wearing one so people can see my lips move. We will be outside with plenty of space to distance if you'd like to. I recommend doing a home test today to make sure we're keeping each other safe. After the circle, we can walk as a group to the park entrance to make sure people feel safe getting to the subway. Children/infants are welcome in the circle as long as they are sitting with their parents/guardians (especially as it gets dark). If you want to tip me, you're welcome to, but this event is totally free! Tips will help pay my drummer for the evening. My paypal and venmo (business) are @gendersauce VIBES: Please bring water, something to sit on (blanket, chair, cushion, whatever makes you comfy), and weather appropriate clothes/layers. Bring snacks if you want them. WEAR RED. I added a mood board at the end if you want some inspiration. You are welcome to bring flowers, candles, antlers, eggs, cool rocks, an ancient sword, or anything else that feels like it will help make our circle magical. Our first song session will be warming up our voices and leaning into play. You're welcome to take photos or record as long as you're present with the group/yourself. The second song session will be leaning into reverence and magic. Please don't take photos or videos during that time . If you've never been to a song circle here's what you can expect: There are lots of ways to hold one-- loose and informal, serious and reverent, jammy and full of instruments. This one is probably somewhere in the middle of the silly to serious spectrum. This circle will be led by me, there will be lyric sheets for those who want them, and we will primarily be singing acapella, simple chant songs. Sort of a jam session for human voices. Some questions you can ask yourself around the equinox: What do I need to bring into balance? What am I harvesting? What is dying and what is being born? All human beings are musical. Whether or not you consider yourself a "good" singer, you are wanted in this group. All ages, races, genders, sexualities, and experience levels welcome, welcome, WELCOME. I absolutely cannot wait to sing with you. Bring your friends!
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