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Preview Party: Collection of Shawn & Andrew Hosner

Join Andrew Hosner and LAMA in a celebration and to preview the Collection of Shawn & Andrew Hosner of Thinkspace LA at Los Angeles Modern Auctions. Offered in two parts, The Collection of Shawn & Andrew Hosner of Thinkspace LA on September 12th and 13th celebrates the Hosners' indelible mark on contemporary art in Los Angeles and beyond, and will support Thinkspace LA's continued programming. As collectors and co-founders of Los Angeles gallery and cultural incubator Thinkspace LA, Shawn and Andrew Hosner have been an integral part of several contemporary art movements that have exploded over the last two decades. Led by their own tastes and shared passion for supporting emerging artists, the Hosners simultaneously rallied a heartful community of like minds while building a remarkable collection that represents a wide swath of bold contemporary artists—many of whom have since become internationally recognized.
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