Got FOMO about not going to the Burn this year?....
Well you might just be in luck…the AVA Team is producing a very special installation of PLAYA to help all of us sitting this one out feel a little closer to home.
Put on some fun threads, jump on your tricked out bike, and join us at Burton Chace Park on Sunday, September 1st, and unplug from the matrix for a bit! And we cannot wait to celebrate Katrina and Dutchess taking another turn around the sun!
House music maestro, Lars Behrenroth, will be serving up his incredible beats that will have us soar above it all in a way we might never come back down from.
Club Indigo and Lushbunny will also be adding in their own special vibes, transporting us to that feeling of gliding and dancing in the dust.
And of course, PLAYA resident DJs, Eddie Salavati and Elliot DeHoyos, will play their hearts out for us as they have many times before on the Esplanade.
Best advice is: pack like you are heading to well, the playa, for the day… beach/picnic blankets, food, and beverages. There are a few grills we have access to and some folks have already stepped forward to grill up some of their special recipes for the community. As always, we definitely encourage sharing and gifting in terms of your thinking about what to bring/contribute.
….speaking of contributing… If you would be so generous as to follow through on the $10 encouraged donation for our DJ fund (link above) that would be so greatly appreciated. Our DJs dig so deep and practice for hours and hours to leave it all on the floor every single time. Let’s be sure to show them some love.
We are ridiculously excited to see you on the PLAYA on Sept 1st!
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