End the year right with Black Boy Writes Media and SuperSpecial for our 3rd annual ‘Just Write’ for the Holidays event. FIRST 140 PEOPLE ARE GUARANTEED ENTRY. Bring your IDs — this event is 21+.
7:00-7:45pm: Appetizers and complimentary drink (while supplies last), mix and mingle.
7:45-8:45pm: Panel Discussion. Topic: The Writer's Process: Ways to Expand your Creative and Ignite Your Drive. Submit questions for the panelists when you RSVP!
8:45-11:45pm: Mix and mingle. Cash bar. Enjoy DJ Set curated by Brian Henry.
Parking: There are a few parking lots in the surrounding area, but ride share is encouraged.
$10 Suggested donations to the corresponding nonprofits are greatly appreciated!!
Link to donate to BBGWMI:
Link to donate to SuperSpecial:
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