Cathartica is a freeform dance space with its foundation in bass music. Expect a genre-fluid journey that inspires creative movements in your body - with plenty of whomps, wubs, and bounce.
Guidelines of Cathartica
1. Please keep conversations to a minimum on the dance floor - This is a dance event, not a networking event! Please take longer conversations to the edges of the space and mezzanine.
2. Protect the floors and our toes - no outside shoes please! Bare feet, socks, and clean, inside shoes are welcome and celebrated.
3. Stay aware and in control - Open use of drugs & alcohol is not the vibe. No smoking or vaping indoors.
4. Respect everyone’s privacy - no photos or videos of other dancers without their explicit consent.
5. Be mindful and respect each other’s boundaries -Ask before you dance with someone and especially before you make physical contact. Don’t be a creep.
6. Share the Space - Yes. Your dance moves are DOPE. Leave room for other people's DOPE dance moves. Don't let your dance thing take over the space.
There will be zero tolerance for over-intoxication, harassment, violence, or other unsafe behavior.
Scouts are here to help!
If you see/experience concerning or inappropriate behavior on the dance floor, our designated team of Scouts is available to provide support. Scouts will be wearing bright-colored vests and roaming the space to stay easily accessible.
Though the organizers and volunteers intentionally work to create a safe space, we ultimately keep eachother safe. Look out for your fellow dancers!
Be kind, be playful, get weird.
Get your tickets here:
Tickets will be available at the door for $30 - cash, venmo, or paypal.
Sweets Ballroom (Part of Oakland School for the Arts)
1933 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612
7-8:30p: Obscenic
8:30-10p: Beat Kitty
Interested in volunteering for a free ticket?
Fill out this form:
Interested in contributing something else or getting involved?
Sign up for our mailing list:
Our hope is to continue throwing this event monthly(ish) and we’re still dialing everything in, email us if you have any feedback and ideas!
Donations are deeply welcome - overheads in this space are high and every dollar helps.
If the cost is prohibitive, reach out to - we value accessibility and will do our best to support folks!