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Fiqh of Purity (Sat & Sun 12-6 Daily) Early Bird

Hosted by Mufti Wasim Khan
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$45 per person
135spots left
Mufti Wasim will be leading a two-day seminar will cover the chapters on purity from the classical Hanafi book, "Ascent to Felicity" written by Allamah Shurunbalali. The seminar will cover the chapters on Wudu, Tayammum, impurities, wiping over socks, menstruation, and postnatal bleeding. The class will focus on the Hanafi perspective while examining the relevant differences of opinions from other Madhabs and cross-examining their evidence. This is an important class for every Muslim to gain depth and insight into the most fundamental worship. Lunch will be provided. Class is $30 early bird until Wed after that the price will be $45. Limited seats available.

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