** Due to the 6:30pm gametime, the Post Game Potluck will be cancelled and we are doubling down on the tailgate! **
Join us for a Bucky Badger Mascot Alumni Association (BBMAA) hosted family friendly tailgate for the Wisconsin vs. Penn State Homecoming football game! Bucky Stacy's parents have graciously offered up their house for this tailgate.
- Food and beverages will be provided so no need to bring anything!
- A donation jar will be out - all proceeds will go to the Bucky Badger Mascot Scholarship Fund. :)
- Stacy will be catering in food so please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get an accurate headcount.
- The house will be locked once the game starts so please come early!
- All current/former Buckys, friends and family are encouraged to attend!
Please RSVP if you’re able to attend. Please reach out to Al Krizek if you have any questions (920-213-6891)