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500 Burgers and Slices for 500K

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RSVP to see full locationNew York, NY
500 Burgers & Slices for 500K 🍔🍕🥳 Thanks to all 500,000 of you for being part of the NYC for FREE community. I am so so grateful for this community & platform and glad it’s helping you all enjoy NYC without spending money! What better way to celebrate than free food?! We’ll be giving out 500 burgers and slices from @7thstreetburgernyc and @jonnyspizzanyc and these ~limited edition~ NYC for FREE stickers! Head to the Lower East Side on February 13th from 5 to 7 PM at 173 Orchard St. See ya there! By RSVPing, you agree to sign up for the NYC for FREE newsletter.

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