✨ about [un]commons ✨
[un]commons, a commons for the uncommon in crypto, is an event series featuring conversations between the individuals keeping crypto weird.
get invites, news, thots: https://twitter.com/uncommonscrypto
when a handful of companies own ai, what does it mean to distribute ai to all? what happens when we flood blockchains, embed ai in everyday objects, distribute it across networks, and put it in the hands of everyone—of you, of me?
we want ai for all. and we want it now.
✧ Karan Malhotra, Co-founder of Nous Research, https://nousresearch.com/ – human-centric LLMs & sims
✧ Christine Blizzard, CMO of Tenstorrent, https://tenstorrent.com/ – computers for AI
✧ Edouard Urcades, Co-founder of Flower Computer, https://www.floral.computer/ – point & shoot AI
✧ Dante Camuto, CTO of EZKL, https://ezkl.xyz/ – securing AI systems with zkProofs
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