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Keywords of Chinese Labor: An Exhibition

Hosted by Dagongren United; Asian Labor Institute; Kheel Center in Catherwood Library ILR School Cornell University ILR School, Cornell University
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The full exhibition event program is now available with daily conversations, guided tours, documentary screening, and collective poetry reading: We are unveiling a new exhibition on China's labor history: Keywords of Chinese labor, covering the period from 1993 to 2023. The exhibition sets out to capture the monumental transformation of the Chinese working class by curating documents and audio and visual materials collected from China. The materials offer a glimpse into the multifaceted lives and work of Chinese workers, their efforts to create their own organizations, their attempts to take hold of their own destiny through strikes and protests, and their self-expression in the form of poems, music and plays. The exhibition is divided into Space of Work, Space of Living, Space of Culture, and Space of Action. Within each section, keywords such as “Zhili fire”, “dagong poetry”, “sanitation workers’ strike” serve as signposts to guide the visitors through key events and themes. The exhibition will be accompanied by a public program featuring guided tours, talks, and documentary screenings (to be released soon). The exhibition is also a space for learning, remembering history, making connections, and generating discussions and actions. RSVP to register and get updates! ------------------------------------ Exhibition Dates: Sept 21st - 29th, 2024 Daily Opening Hours: 11am - 6pm Opening Event: 6:00pm on Saturday, Sept 21st Daily Guided Tours, Speakers and Documentary Screenings Language: Chinese, with concise English description Presented by Asian Labor Institute Dagongren United Kheel Center in Catherwood Library, ILR School Cornell University 《中国劳工关键词》历史展览 本次展览将通过陈列的中国劳工文字和影音材料,试图勾勒近三十年中国工人阶级与劳工运动的脉络。借助展品,我们将得以瞥见:改革开放以来,数亿万中国农民工进城打工的生活;面对资本剥削,中国工人如何自发组织起来,进行集体抗争;以及工人如何通过文艺创作(诗歌、音乐和戏剧)自我表达。 展览分为四大模块:工作、生活、文化和集体行动。每个模块由一系列关键词串联起来, 这些关键词也是理解工人历史的重要线索。从 “致丽大火 ”到 “打工诗歌”,从 “镉受害女工抗争 ”到 “环卫工人罢工”,我们尝试呈现 1993 年至 2023 年中国农民工的打工生活文化和集体行动。 展览期间,我们还将举办一系列“中国劳工”主题的公众活动:展览导赏、圆桌讨论、纪录片放映、集体读诗会。我们希望此次展览可以成为回望过去三十年中国劳工运动的契机。我们期望营造一个自由交流和互相激发的空间。在这里,建立连接,生发行动。 本次展览所有展品来自康奈尔大学ILR学院Catherwood图书馆Kheel中心的中国劳工收藏馆。自2016年以来,该中国劳工收藏馆已收集数万件藏品,我们从中挑选了部分藏品用于本次展览。感谢 Kheel 中心的全力支持。

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