Hosted by: Noah Altshuler
Description: An extremely long anticipated COLLAGE NIGHT! Hosted by the master himself, Noah Altshuler!
Are you interested in visual art? poetry? defacing magazines with tiny knives? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions--or just can't pass up a chance to be around glue--collage may be the art for you. Take it from me, a writer/musician who, despite drowning in far more pressing work, has become obsessed with and addicted to collage in the very short time since I started (s/o to Queen Hannah Gersh for sending me off on this recent, awesome, and hugely inconvenient side-quest).
This event will be an exploratory night of collage-making--once you have the tools (they will be provided, though IF YOU HAVE ANY MAGAZINES or *gasp* BOOKS you don't mind shredding to bits, BRING THEM), anything is fair game.
If you are interested in a little more guidance/want to hear anything I have to say (I suggest against this), I'd also be happy to give some jumping off ideas re:, or just a rallying cry for, "cut-up technique" poetry (AKA "découpé") in which you, well, cut up words and phrases from sources like magazines and books and rearrange them to make a text of your own (think, if you want to be pretentious about it, T.S. Eliot's Waste Land; or think, if you want to be less pretentious, of those magnetic word sets you could use to make sentences on your fridge). Cut-ups are probably the most moving part of collage to me and I'd love to revel in that with anyone interested.
Anyway, that's enough. We're gonna have magazines and exacto knives and glue. What could go wrong?
See ya May 6th.
Host your own Circle: