Plans for Valentine’s Day?
Join us at the SNEAKY SPEAKEASY for a V-DAY SOIRÉE that breaks from tradition.
Meet progressive singles of all persuasions around common interests & conversation.
Worst case scenario, make new friends!
The SNEAKY SPEAKEASY is Ridgewood’s best kept secret. A living room turned swanky lounge replete with ART FOOD DRINKS SMOKES HANGS MEDIA.
Tickets include:
- two cocktails
- hors d’oeuvres
- live jazz piano
- chill intro games
- lots of time to mix
Emotional support animals #RockwellthePooch and #LittleMissMcat will be on deck to ease you into the festivities.
Look good. Wear your party socks/bring your slippers bc we’re shoes-off.
CASH bar for additional drinks & concessions.
Hosted by @MorleneCuisine & @MAMA D.Drinks
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