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New Moon Red Tent Women's Circle

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$5 per person
1320spots left
You are warmly invited to this month’s New Moon Red Tent Women's Circle. What is a Red Tent? Red Tents are intentional, co-created spaces where women gather to authentically be and connect in comfort. It is a time where you can feel nourished and nurtured, rest and feel supported by one another and held in community. Come as you are. We will first sit in circle to listen and be heard, sharing what is coming up for you in this cycle. In the second part of our time together we will have the option to be giving and receiving from one another. Please bring anything you would like to share. This can be a poem, song, snack, listening ear, massage, etc. This is not required by any means, you can come to receive and you can come to be. Warm tea will be provided. Sliding scale suggested donation $5-25 Please bring a journal, yoga mat and anything comfortable for you to sit with.

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