7pm~ Doors: find that magical jacket that has been looking for you.
9pm~ Live music/movement experiment starts
10:00~ Blind Lizard Balkan plays a set for moving & dancing!
Special guests Fabrice You of Axon Orchestra
&& Belly Dancing by Elizabeth Strong and Aerial by Nick Bower &&
If your eyes are reading this now, it means you have been invited to take place in this experiment. Greetings fellow Earthlings , I had a vision of musicians and dancers partaking in an exquisite corpse of improvisation.
If you don't know this game as artists play it: a piece of paper is divided up into sections and the next person continues to draw a being where the last left off, without seeing what the previous person drew.
In essence, this could be applied to music and dance/expressive performance art - Except now TIME is our piece of paper. Light shall be the guide.
The word to Balkanize is defined by dividing a region into smaller states, just like the exquisite corpse on paper, we divide our sensory information into separate regions within the brain, in order to recombine into a new sensation.
*If the price of admission is a deterrent to you, let it not be.
Please ask about volunteer tasks for the betterment of the warehouse.
Though we value artistic expression and community above monetary gains, we live within the confines of capitalist society. So if you are able to be a patron of the arts, please do so. If you are able to become the art, please do so.