Psychedelic Breathwork and Quantum Healing Hypnosis
✨ Welcome Spring and the new astrological year with a hypnotic regression into past and spirit, harmonized with psychedelic breathwork to nourish, reset, and explore.
🌀Join Luciana and Hannah on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at Cottonwood for a transformative journey of the 'inner minds’ and open heart, opening the portals to deeper states of consciousness.
Immerse yourself in this powerful practice that honors both inner and outer collective bonds, going beyond mindfulness as we breathe and travel realms together.
Led by Luciana Jaalouk, quantum healing hypnotist and mystic vocalist, and Hannah Cohen, intuitive bodyworker and psychedelic breathwork guide.
Luciana will take you through a past life regression or past memory, where you may find information you need. She will also take you to meet your spirit guide or guardian angel on the other side. It is meant as both a fun exercise and one where you may find information you need. In group, we don't go as deep as a 1-1 hypnosis (QHHT). Hannah's 20-30 minute psychedelic breathwork and reiki journey deepens the trance, unlocking old or stuck energy, and creating spaciousness for exploration, intuitive wisdom within.
RSVP Now and make the most of this beautiful and nourishing experience!
6:30PM-7PM Intention setting and warm up with tea tasting
7-7:20PM Psychedelic Breathwork to release, nourish, and expand
7:20-8PM Group Regression into past life and the spirit side
8-8:30PM (Optional) Sharing, Rest and Integration
Tea will be served. Bring a pen and journal/notebook (paper will be provided), a yoga mat or soft blanket, and your choice of light hydration.
Cost: $44/guest*
*Please note 24-hr cancellation policy
Luciana is a quantum healing hypnotist, vocalist and mystic opening the pathways of the interconnected mind, heart, body and soul. She works at the deep levels of trance, to allow the remembrance to surface hidden layers of authentic human expression. Luciana works from a loving heart, honoring the balance of light and shadow, of curious play and healthy skepticism. She harmonizes the healing arts with emerging technologies, offering past life, spirit and future group regressions, voice vessel virtueTM energy transmutation workshops, and more. Luciana composes shamanic song and dance journeys to travel souls through mystical otherworlds of cross lineage ancestry. Her collective work plays a big role in opening and grounding sacred portals of the psyche, with deeper pathways for healing during 1-1 personal Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions. She is trained by Dolores Cannon and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy.
Hannah is a Reiki level II practitioner, breathwork guide, intuitive bodyworker and photographer, grateful to be combining over a decade of identity exploration through the lens into gentle hands on healing for the mind, body, and spirit.Hannah offers loving and supportive space for individuals and groups to explore their own gifts, reset, and redistribute energy in areas that may previously have felt blocked. Hannah invites in a sense of playfulness, a heavy dose of intuition, and curiosity for the doors and windows back home to self. She works with a wide variety of folks who may be facing anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD, or creative road blocks. She works collaboratively with individuals to explore the tools that align with them most and to make space for universal energy flow and peace within. Hannah has studied with teachers Vivian Rosenthal, Luke Simon, Mariko Tamegai, and David Elliot.
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