What would it be like to be fully authentic in your interactions with others? To be completely present, to speak without thinking? Join us for a night of just that: we’ll practice interacting with each other in a way that's more spontaneous, effortless, and nonjudgmental than what we're used to.
Agenda for the night:
- 7-7:30p: doors open (arrive by 7:30pm SHARP)
- 7:30-7:45pm: intros & break up into small groups
- 7:45-8:15p: circling in groups (20mins) + debrief (10mins)
- 8:15-8:45p: circling in pairs (10mins) + debrief
- 8:45-9:30p: regroup & hangout
Presented by Kasra & Santi from Midnight Cafe (https://www.instagram.com/midnightcafe.nyc/)
Host your own Circle: https://vercihq.notion.site/Host-a-Monday-Circle-27873776073b4ad7bd87e11507a3cea5?pvs=4