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Escaping North Korea Twice / Wework Bankruptcy

Hosted by DTFG
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Dare To Fail Gloriously He escaped North Korea twice to make it to America. We are hosting this talk/q&a in secret at a Wework on the last day before they go bankrupt. What are they going to do, kick us out? Dare To Fail Gloriously DTFG Salon is a new initiative to promote community and discussion among the minds of the daring, across all fields of pursuit. A unique symposium of brave hearts, daring doers, thinkers, tinkerers, artists, designers, philosophers, and engineers. We believe that humanity shines at the intersection of skill, time, expertise- and the courage to fail. Inspired by the indomitable spirit of him, who escaped the clutches of North Korea not once, but twice. His story isn’t just a tale of survival but a bold testimony to the power of relentless curiosity and undying resolve that drives one beyond borders, literally and metaphorically. In the spirit of creating a close-knit and engaging experience, this DTFG event will be invite-only (approved guests only). Dare To Fail Gloriously Event agenda: >Preamble: snack & chat >Speaking: Charles Ryu >Q&A >Hands-on Thought Experiment

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