Welcome to the first ever Lens Fest Extended London meet up for AR Developers ✨
7:00pm - Doors Open! Check In & Mingle 👋
7:30pm - Introductions & Demos ❤️
8:30pm - Hang outs & Catch ups 🥵
A lot of us have either gone freelance recently, been freelancing forever or just do this part time and hate their full time work winter party 🥵 so lets gather up all the best and most fun creative developers in the UK and hang out!
whats going down:
- learn some of snapchats new tools in workshops
- hangout with the best ar creatives (thats you ❤️)
- actually relax and unwind its gonna be chill
be there or be square 🥱 make sure to BRING YOUR LAPTOP so we can make and design some cool stuff!
...open bar ofc (up to a point lol don't rinse me dry)