* Theme: Autonomous apps!
Description: Legacy apps are workflow-driven and guide humans through defined business processes where humans do most of the work. Instead, *Autonomous apps* are built with the AI-first tech stack and go beyond workflow to automate the automatable and to arm humans with as much context and insight as possible to address the remainder.
Rules: *All attendees must ship code.* Do not invite other guests. Attendees must have either built an autonomous app or be a very experienced hacker.
12:00 Welcome to AGI House (Rocky Yu Kick-Off & Sponsor Jake Flomenberg WING VC)
12:05 Lightning Talks (Moderator: Michele Catasta, Replit)
12:05 TBD - (Elad Gil)
12:10 LangChain Agents (Harrison Chase)
12:15 Building Agents w/ LlamaIndex (Simon Suo)
12:20 Amazon Web Services (Andrea Olgiata)
12:25 NeMo Guardrails: Programmable Rails for LLMs (Francesco Ciannella, NVIDIA)
12:30 Pinecone (Cory Waddingham)
12:35 Truera (Shayak Sen)
12:40 Building Autonomous Apps with MultiOn API (Div Garg)
12:45 The Future of Autonomous Apps (Sonal Gupta)
12:50 Embedchain - Build ChatGPT bots on your dataset in < 30 seconds (Taranjeet Singh)
12:55 Project proposals from hackers
1:00 Hacking Begins!
1:30 Lunch is Served
4:00 Project Check-In
6:00 Dinner is Served
8:00 Demos
* Event sponsor: WING VC
* Credit prize co-sponsor: Runpod