Hi there! You're invited to this special ✨We3 Chicago Dinner in Chinatown, hosted by super We3er Jamie! Thank you so much, Jamie!!!
✨We3 Dinner Clubs are designed to bring women & non-binary individuals together to meet and learn about web3 together in a safe, intimate, and social space. All are welcome, and we're so happy to have you!!
✨ SIGN-UP: Please RSVP by Wed, October 19th so your host knows whether or not you are attending!
✨ DEPOSIT: For this event, please Venmo your host a $10 deposit to secure your spot. If you're able to make the event, you will receive the deposit back via Venmo. If not, the $10 will go to the We3 team for future programming for you! (But we hope you can make this one!)
✨ COST: Attendees are expected to pay for their portion of the meal, as it is not reimbursed. Please coordinate with your host on the payment process.
✨ PHOTOS: We'll be asking our hosts to take pictures of the events to share on our social media (including Instagram, LinkedIn, Discord, email, and/or other platforms,) to showcase this beautiful, powerful community! If you would not like your picture taken, please let your host know.
✨ Should you have any questions, please reach out to your host and the We3 team (team@hello-we3.com)!
Thank you & enjoy!!! 💗