Join Lightning Society for our bi-monthly Wednesday community potluck! We'll be coming together to share food, drinks, and connection, so bring a favorite dish and be ready to meet some wonderful people.
There are a few options for how to contribute. We ask that you choose one of the following:
(A) Bring an entree dish of your choice, & optionally something you'd like to drink! Store bought food is totally fine - we just ask that it is more substantial than snacks. Please come with your dishes prepared as we have limited kitchen space to host prep.
(B) Contribute a $15 donation that will go towards event supplies and additional food/beverages. Please send via Venmo to @Julia-Leyrer (, last four digits: 9618).
(C) Sign up to volunteer. We have a small number of openings for volunteers to help set up or clean up, in lieu of contributing food or money. Set up is 6:15PM to 7:00PM, and clean up is 9:30PM to 10:15PM.
7:00-7:30: Doors open
7:30-9:30: Dinner
9:30-10:00: Clean-up (we'll close the space at 10pm)
The event has limited spots and supplies are planned around the RSVP responses, so please update your RSVP if you have changes. If the event is full, join the waitlist and spots frequently open up!
The building is a short walk from the Morgan Ave stop on the L line. We will be in the 2nd floor of Lightning Society, and there will be entry instructions on the door when you arrive. Feel free to text/call if you have any issues: 914-733-6602
Can't make it to this one? These potlucks are happening every other Wednesday and the next one will be Feb 19th: