Saffron has been looking into theory around privacy and cryptography during the Residency, and asking the question: what technologies (social, mathematical) can we use to structure digital information flows in more desirable ways?
She thinks we can draw better boundaries around what we disclose, how and to whom (publicly online, to data gatherers, and so on), and enable more verification, collaboration, and even trust, by doing so.
Imagine if we could create intermediary fiduciaries to collectively bargain with tech platforms over our data; imagine if, using secure multi-party computation, data scientists could study sensitive healthcare data easily and auditors could verify the properties of ML algorithms securely.
[Subject to change] In the workshop, expect to find out why this is interesting and what she plans to do next on this topic. This will very likely not take 2 hours.
Highly recommended pre-reading
Structured Transparency:
What Privacy is For:
Her blog: